FIACONA FORUM:Religious Persecution and Its Connection to Social Development in India

Dear Friends,

FIACONA Forums are a time to learn, discuss and take action. ​Please block you calendar and join us for both the FIACONA Forums co-facilitated with Rev Dr Evangeline Anderson-Rajkumar, Theologian/Pastor, St. Paul Lutheran Church, IN.

Religious Persecution and Its Connection to Social Development in India – Human Rights Measurement Initiative (HRMI)
Thursday July 25, 2024 at 7:30 PM EST / 5 AM IST Friday July 26, 2024
Meeting ID: 861 7516 7794
+13092053325, 86175167794# US

Rev. Thalia Kehoe Rowden, serves as the Executive Director for the Human Rights Measurement Initiative (HRMI). Rev. Rowden is both a trained attorney and a Baptist clergy person whose organization believes what gets measured gets improved. HRMI argues for better use of data for researchers and advocates to make a case for governments to act justly and investing in sustainable development. In this interactive Forum, she will focus on the current state of India and human rights in relation to increased patterns of religious persecution. Discussion will include options for advocacy by civil society and faith groups for persecuted Christians and other religious minorities using the tools provided by HRMI.

For more information, contact:
Rev. Neal Christie
Executive Director

Federation of Indian American Christian Organizations of North America (FIACONA)
110 Maryland Ave, NE Suite 303, Washington, DC 20002 P: 202-285-4544

Where to find us


Federation of Indian American Christian Organizations Pray for a Persecuted Church