Articles posted by Neal

Letter to U.S. State Department demands designating India a “Country of Particular Concern” CLICK TO VIEW LETTER & SIGNATORIES August 1, 2024: Washington, DC — Hundreds of mostly American Christian leaders have united in a powerful call to action in a letter urging the U.S. State Department to designate India a “Country of Particular Concern” (CPC).  “As Indian Christians struggle to follow their faith in the face of Hindu supremacist policies, persecution of religious minorities is being buried by U.S. adoration of the current Indian regime,” says Federation of Indian-American Christian Organizations in North America (FIACONA) Executive Director Rev. Neal Christie. “This letter highlights the rapidly escalating state-sanctioned violations of human rights targeting religious minorities, including Christians, Muslims, Dalits, and indigenous tribal peoples.” The over 300 signatories include 18 bishops, three archbishops and 167 clergy from diverse denominational and non-denominational backgrounds, eight current or former presidents and deans from five theological schools, and leaders from over 40 Christian organizations. This is the first letter ever produced by U.S. Christian leaders addressing religious persecution in India. Signatories include the immediate past president of the National Council of Churches; the president, immediate past president, and ecumenical officer of the Council of Bishops of the United Methodist Church

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Federation of Indian American Christian Organizations Pray for a Persecuted Church