statement_news Make a call to Members of Congress today and say you support S 3764 — USCIRF Reauthorization

Make a call to Members of Congress today and say you support S 3764 — USCIRF Reauthorization

Make a call during the Month of July to Members of Congress and say, “I support S 3764 — USCIRF Reauthorization”
Washington, DC

Dear Friends and Board members of FIACONA,

FIACONA is an active member of the International Religious Freedom Roundtable (IRF).
On June 18-19th along with several other members of the IRF Congressional Working Group (CWG) we visited twelve U.S. Senate offices on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC.

We spoke with key Senator staff about the importance of the bipartisan United States Commission on International Freedom (USIRF) that on behalf of Congress advocates for human rights and religious freedom globally. We awarded certificates to Senators and their staff who received an “A” for supporting religious freedom. (A few photos are below)

Why is this this urgent request?

For four years USIRF has implored the U.S State Department to designate the Republic of India as a ‘country of particular concern’. This request is based on the Indian government’s record of systemic and patterned persecution of Christians and escalating refusal to secure human rights for religious minorities within the nation. When the government of India receives this designation the U.S State Department can shape meaningful polices toward India that include advocating for the human rights of persecuted Christians.

What can FIACONA do to help?

I will continue to make periodic Senate visits through the month of July advocating for USIRF on behalf of FIACONA.

And each of you can:
Call both of the offices of the leaders of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Identify yourself as a member of FIACONA.

State that you support the important work of advocating for religious freedom through the United States Commission on International Freedom (USIRF).

Request the Senator to support and vote for S 3764, the USCIRF Reauthorization without delay.

Ask to speak with the legislative staff responsible for foreign affairs if they are available.

If you are able to speak with a staff person, explain why you care about religious freedom and want an end to religious persecution in India, Tell them that you support funding the United States Commission on International Freedom (USIRF) and its recommendation to designate India as ‘country of particular concern.


Senator Ben Cardin
509 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-4524 Direct Line

Senator Jim Risch
483 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-2752 Direct Line

What else can you do?

Invite members in your congregation to call both Senators and make the same request

Share this email with your colleagues and all those who care about religious freedom as a fundamental human right

Stay informed about the important bi-partisan work of the USIRF

In the meantime, please let me know if you have any questions and thank you for your advocacy and support.

In faith,



Senator Alex Padilla’s (CA) office

Senator Marco Rubio’s (FL) office

Senator Mitt Romney’s (UT) office

Rev. Neal Christie
Executive Director
FIACONA-Federation of Indian American Organizations of North America
110 Maryland Avenue, NE
Washington, DC 20002

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Federation of Indian American Christian Organizations Pray for a Persecuted Church